Saturday, March 7, 2009


Fail, fail, fail.

It's a total fail for me this two weeks. I did not go to the gym. Not even once.

I find myself excuses. A lot of excuses.

Looking back at the Brannon & Feist Health Psychology text book, I find this model fits exactly into my situation now.

The Transtheoritical Model
In my case,

The Precontemplation Stage
That was before starting this blog, I have no intention to start doing regular exercises at all.

The Contemplation Stage
Then Mr. James start telling us about this assignment, blogging. So I start thinking what behaviour of my own that I am not satisfied with. Also, there's a story behind this on my decision on doing about regular exercises.

Here goes my story with Sannujah and Suhentini.

The first day of the semester,
Sannu: Eh Vivian, how come you look a bit different arh?
Me: I put on a lot of weight mah...
Sannu: ......
Suhen: Yea a bit more chubby lar her face.
She agreed with me!

So, I started to think that I should start doing exercises, not only to become slimmer, but also I need to train better my stamina and to become healthier.

The Preparation Stage
I packed my clothes in a bag and always keep it in my car, so that I can go to the gym whenever I want to. Until here, I haven't really started to plan when I should start going to the gym.

The Action Stage
There, last week I went to the gym, twice. I am at this stage already!

The Maintenance Stage
Sigh. I have not yet make it to this stage. In fact, I am relapsing back to the preparation stage. I still have my "exercise kit" (my clothes and sport shoes) in the car but I stop going to the gym this two weeks!

I found a very simple and easy-to-understand explanation on The Transtheoritical Model.

If you are interested, you can visit the link below.

1 comment:

  1. Get any lazier and you'll be a fattie boom boom, no nice body as u wished for.
